Hello, how are you? I'm pretty certain that no matter when you are reading this, that I am doing great. I am especially happy to know that you're looking to see a bit more about me. Who your planner or designer really is is ridiculously important. Your wedding planners style, personality, and methods should resonate with yours. Why? Would you hire a barn builder to design your city loft? Not unless you're thinking
way outside the box. I have a different method to planning & design than many. I prefer to plan logistics one element at a time and I design from a true creative and inspired perspective
(it comes when it comes, but it always comes). Things I see, hear, taste, and feel often become the basis for our weddings.
"Work hard, smile alot and work very very hard"
This is me | |
Destination weddings are what I do best. There isn't anything about them that I don't love. I have favorite parts, yes. I have least favorite parts too. But when it comes down to it, there is nothing in the world I would rather be doing than planning and designing a great wedding, no matter the style, size or complexity.
I have been planning and designing events professionally since 2002. Back then, I had no idea just how far this new career would take me. Some things have remained the same; I still keep under 20 weddings a year, I still enjoy (and will always enjoy) being nice, I still work very hard, and I still smile alot.
has changed is all good. Now I have a planning and design studio, my experiences and knowledge learned over the years have put me in the position to educate other wedding professionals. Our weddings and designs get a bit more attention in the press and listed amongst the best in the industry, and I travel a bit farther for my clients weddings. In the last few years our weddings were published or I was recognized or contributed to editorial in all of the above magazines amongst many others. In 2013 we were named to the A-list once again, and we have also added Destination I Do, Weddings Illustrated, The Knot Florida, The Knot, Inside Weddings and Grandeur magazine. All of this, I am so grateful for.
See our featured Key West Real Wedding |
I adore shopping for inspiration. I can't sit in a quiet room, I love music too much. I find reality tv hilarious. I get giddy at the thought of a great dinner party with fancy food, great wine and my best friends (and getting dressed up for it). I also love a day at the beach followed by a backyard bbq like nobody's business. I've been the bride and one day I'll be the mother of the bride (actually I'll get to do this twice). I've been trying to convince my husband (also named Kelly) that we should be the bride and groom again. You know, "market research". He isn't falling for it though. I have a massive wedding library. More wedding books than you can imagine. I also want to write a book (with amazing wedding images of course). That's going to take a while though.
You can get to know me best by reading this blog, as I write it in my true voice. Everything on this blog is real. Real weddings, real advice, real confessions, real things you can do and use. You can also follow me on my newest addiction,
twitter and the Weddings by Socialites
facebook page. I'm a light-hearted person and I find laughter in just about everything. That doesn't mean of course that I don't take things very seriously when it comes to weddings. I have a deep respect for all wedding professionals, and treat them with the same respect. I never pass up an opportunity to learn more, and so I research constantly. I still rip pages out of the wedding magazines. Finally, for me, it is imperative and most important that our weddings are as equally well planned and executed as they are an amazing experience for the bride and groom and their guests, and as they are aesthetically beautiful and unique.
With all that said,
Here's to another great wedding! -Kelly