Oh, and photo booths aren't just for photos anymore. OH NO YOU DIDN'T {in my best Franc impersonation voice}. You know how I feel about video. They have video too - photo/video booths. Yes, scream in delight at the thought of hilarious messages you'll be getting after the, um, the celebrating has commenced.
And now folks- my reason for this post, may I introduce Bash Booths!
Holy Cannoli if this isn't the most adorable wedding booth I have ever seen. Could you just die? I want to put in my studio. I'd never get any planning done though, so that's not happening.
You can get more info on the Bash Booths website or if you're one of my clients who suddenly changed your mind about a photo booth (please?) You can just call me. I have the number on speed dial as of right now.
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