Every time I see the ring Kate wears, I am giddy. I had wanted a sapphire engagement ring since Lady Diana got married. It was the very first wedding I ever saw and it is forever embedded in my mind as the most perfect. However my amazing husband surprised me with a diamond ring, and I could not have been any happier to receive such a gift.
As much as I am obsessed with the Prince William & Kate Middleton's Wedding I am equally obsessed with our client Martha's Wedding. Not only is planning her wedding fabulous but she also has a Sapphire Engagement Ring, sounds like royalty to me.
Since Matha's wedding is approaching so quickly we decided to interview her about her beloved Sapphire Ring. So here's the scoop:
Before Tom proposed to Martha they decided to make a custom design of her engagement ring, a friend of theirs who happens to be an architect made a 3-D model of the exact ring she wanted, how fancy is that! Martha loves the color blue and decided that diamonds were not her style, therefore Sapphire it was! Little did they know the the Royal Couple would follow suit shortly after.

Needless to say I adore our bride Martha and am counting down the days for not only her wedding but also Prince William & Kate Middleton's.
We're covering more Royal Wedding starting tomorrow over at It's Pretty Splendid. Pop on over when you have a few.