Here's the first in our Wedding Pro Series! I'm very excited about all the professionals who reached out to be included. I have some really great interviews to share with you, and some completely crazy answers! I was the
first interview and next up (after this one) will be Clint Wiley of
None Other.
Reminder: Tomorrow by noon is the last day to comment on the
original post to win the iTunes card. Alright, let's get this party started:
What are your company and profession?Signature Florals and Gifts - Specializing in Weddings and Events with a sideline in Education programs and custom decorating
What’s your name and title? And is there anyone else you work with?Sue Bain and I have Gail Stangeland as a part time enthusiastic assistant, Jim Malone who is my computer guru, bookkeeper and logistics in building advisor. On any weekend there may be several others to help deliver and set up
Where do you do weddings?I've done and will gladly do weddings all over the country but mostly Sarasota to Marco Island
Website:Signature-florals.comBlog TitleSusan Bain AIFD
How long have you been in business?I first started designing and building perennial gardens in 1985. Within a year or two I became a floral designer/manager with a passion. I was inducted into AIFD in 2003. I started Signature Florals about 3 years ago.
Why weddings?I love the emotional aspect; the highs and lows during the planning stages. I also love the complexity of the entire event, the interaction with other wedding vendors. Working with Wedding Couples allows me an opportunity to develop a personal relationship. It is always more enjoyable to do flower arranging when I can express myself and represent the couple's wishes.
What do your clients most often commend you on?That I am easy to work with, have a calming nature and exceed expectations in design.
Best piece of advice for brides & grooms?Trust the good feeling you get when you meet the right vendors to hire, then trust their professional expertise. Make your wedding as personal, as much about you as possible.
What is one thing that makes working with new clients easier?Recommendations from other vendors helps to solidify the first impression. I try to disarm the price shoppers and get them to look at the whole picture.

Can I find you on Twitter?signaturefloralWhat is the oddest request you’ve ever received? Or
What is the craziest thing you saw happen at a wedding?
Odd request:
I could write a book on the funny and strange things that have happened but who would read it? One thing that comes to mind was the armed security that surrounded the church for a ceremony where the groom was certain that his ex-wife would arrive and do something rash.
Anything you'd like to share?:I'd love to give away a $25.00 gift card to one lucky person who reads this! By commenting on my Blog page, you are automatically registered to win.
What is something you hope to do in the near future?I definitely want to re-build my website to include some of the beautiful weddings we've done recently, but in a broader picture, I plan to do more floral art pieces for exhibition.