I was reading a recent entry by Miss Petunia over at Wedding Bee and I realized I've never touched on the subject of coffee at weddings. Although I think I have made it very clear that I am fond of coffee and all things related. You know why? It's hot and forces you to slow down and sip...in other words take a short break. Oh, and it tastes good.
Okay, so coffee is your standard beverage of choice after dinner with yummy wedding cake (and/or if your guests are super lucky, a fresh donut or crepe station). Nothing fun about standard is there? Nope. So, how do we make even simple coffee WOW? Instead of serving coffee, have a coffee station. It just takes a few items and some creative containers to really kick it up a notch. Here are a few that I love:
Whip Cream
Chocolate Shavings or Chocolate dipped spoons
Flavored stir-in syrups (try to have at least 3): Monin, Dolce, Torani to name a few brands
Cinnamon Sticks
Vanilla Beans
Chocolate, Caramel, and Raspberry drizzle syrups
Rock candy swizzle sticks
If you wanted to make it a full on coffee bar, you could ask that the station be attended and serve traditional coffee liquors like Baileys, Frangelico, and Kahlua.
For those having a brunch wedding (this is the hottest up and coming trend by the way), a coffee station is a must-do!