Left to RIGHT, Top to Bottom (not in the order I did them):
1. This is the new DVD wrap that I designed for a local photgrapher. I dropped it off to to her and found out she had a housekeeper. I am jealous. Anyway, they turned out really great. Get this- the dvd wrap includes a thank you note in the pocket. I thought that was a nice touch.
2. I was looking for one of those digital photo frames for a client. I found a great new source for candles instead.
3. I did a site tour for a new venue. Very cool outdoor space, great for a 50-75 guest wedding.
4. Stopped at Starbucks. I love to read "The way I see it's". They always seem to make sense.
5. That's me. Don't worry, I was at a stop light. But I am sure someone thought I was a lunatic anyway.
6. While looking for lanterns for SD's wedding, I found these fantastic fabric wrapped boxes with a grosgrain ribbon. I bought the store out of them. They'll make for great end of season gift boxes. Now I just have to think of what to stuff them with.
7. I worked on 3 wedding dinner menus and 1 dessert reception menu.
8. I updated 4 budgets and started 2 new ones.
It was a great day.